Data Analytics

Advanced Engineering &

Science-based Innovation

dgaude Prime Innovation SLU

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Featured News:

Article: "Automated Model Fitting for Metallurgical and other Industries". Presented in Section: "Economics and Management of Metallurgical Production" at METAL2017 International Conference, Brno, May 2017, as well as at Catalan Engineering Society (COEIC), October 2017.


dgaude Prime Innovation SLU holds 20 years of R+D experience working with various industrial, defence and academic partners, founded on a background in Engineering and Physical Metallurgy research at the most prestigious Institutions.

Science-based Innovation: Innovation in an individual is an attitude. In an organisation or company, it is a culture. The use of a science based approach to innovation in either case ensures an increased level of success in the innovative endeavour.

Advanced Engineering: Modern process development, design and optimisation based on scientific understanding of processes, by applying physics, thermodynamics, sociology, advanced statistics and modelling produces more progress than what could be obtained with traditional empirical methods, and in a more efficient way (over 10x time efficiency and over 1000x cost efficiency).

Data Analytics: Modern industry and society produce such amount of valuable data that it is implausible to try understand it fully unless modern data analytic methods are adopted. The raw data is close to useless unless the information it contains is properly extracted. Only with data analytics, machine learning, neural networks and other data modelling instruments, the wealth of information and understanding contained in the raw data can be obtained.

There are many areas where you and dgaude Prime Innovation SLU can work together. Let's work together.

Last updated:
22th February 2019